Tuesday, August 18, 2020

*जब दुश्मन पीठ पर सवार हो जाए!*


कव्वा एक ऐसा परिंदा है जो अपनी territory की हिफाज़त के लिए किसी भी जानवर से भिड़ जाता है, एक कुत्ता जिस तरह दूसरे कुत्ते को देखते ही भोंकने लगता है वहीं खाना दिखने पर एक कव्वा उसके उलट कांव - कांव करके दूसरे कौओं को इकट्ठा करलेता है,  यह एकता ही कौओं ताक़त है. कौवों में यकजहती की इस ख़ासियत की वजह से दूसरे परिंदे और जानवर जनके पास नहीं फटकते.

कव्वा इतना बहादुर होता है कि वोह कभी कभी उक़ाब यानी Eagle से भी टकरा जाता है, जब भी कोई परिंदा, कौवों के एरिया में पहोंच जाता है तो कव्वे उसपर हमला कर देते हैं, कौव्वा उड़ते हुवे उक़ाब की पीठ पर जा बैठता है और उसकी गर्दन में काटने की कोशिश करता है.

उक़ाब जो कि परिंदों का शहंशाह कहलाता है वोह कौवों की इस जुर्रत पर कोई रिएक्शन नहीं देता, ना वोह कौवों से लड़ता है और ना हीं उनको मारकर खाता है (कव्वे का गोश्त कड़वा होता है जिसकी वजह से ज़्यादतर शिकारी जानवर कौवों को नहीं खाते), उक़ाब, कव्वे के इस हमले का जवाब एक अलग ही अंदाज़ में देता है, वोह बस अपने पंख खोलता है और आसमानों में ऊंचा उठना शुरू कर देता है, जितना ऊपर उक़ाब जाता, उतनी ही कौवे को सांस लेने में परेशानी होने लगती है और फिर आख़िरकार ऑक्सीजन की कमी की वजह से कौआ बेहोश होकर नीचे गिर जाता है.

कौवों के साथ अपना वक़्त और एनर्जी बर्बाद करना बंद करें, उनकी टेरीटरी में लड़ने के बदले, उन्हें अपनी टेरिटरी में ले जाएं, उन ऊंचाइयों पर ले जाकर छोड़ें जहां रहने की कौवों की औकात ही ना हो, वोह ख़ुद ही मर मिटेंगे!
: : : : : : : : 
Raise Wings like Eagles

The only bird that dares to peck at an Eagle is the crow. He sits on his back and bites his neck. However, the eagle does not respond, nor fight with the crow; it doesn't waste time or energy on the crow!

It simply opens its wings and begins to rise higher and higher in the skies. The higher the flight, the harder it is for the crow to breathe and then the crow falls due to lack of oxygen.

Stop wasting your time with the crows. Just take them to your heights and they'll fade.

By : Sajid Tanvir

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Video Calls on Telegram

Telegram on 14th August announced the launch of it's alpha version of video calls available on both Android and iOS.According to telegram blog - "You can start a video call from your contact's profile page, and switch video on or off at any time during voice calls. Like all other video content on Telegram, video calls support picture-in-picture mode, allowing you to scroll through chats and multitask while maintaining eye contact."

All video calls are protected with end-to-end encryption. To confirm your connection, compare the four emoji shown on-screen for you and your chat partner – if they match, your call is 100% secured by time-tested encryption also used in Telegram's Secret Chats and Voice Calls.

You can check the telegram video ad on the below given link.

 Telegram Video Link

Source - Telegram Blog

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How to improve Concentration of Kids


Practising on a dot-to-dot teaches children number order and counting. Little ones may need a little help, but as they get older, completing a dot-to-dot all by themselves is a great confidence booster. Dot-to-dot games are wonderful for improving hand-eye co-ordination. There's a lot of concentration that goes into completing a dot-to-dot! Visual motor control is developed through dot-to-dot work. Doing dot-to-dot activities really helps improve handwriting skills and are a valuable pre-writing teaching tool. Children learn how to create shapes, focus their pencil and learn how much pressure to apply to the paper. Working on a dot-to-dot is a great way to strengthen hand and finger muscles in preparation for writing. During early childhood is the optimal time to help develop vital muscles we'll be using throughout our life. Children can concentrate on gripping their pencil and strengthen their hands while working on dot-to-dot. Concentration and focus are built through working on dot-to-dot drawings. Completing a dot-to-dot drawing shows the benefits of hard work - and in a fun way. 

#Kids , #Kidsfocus #Concentrationofkids



Monday, August 10, 2020

Viral Video -Snake Charmer from Bhopal - Must Watch


He loves playing with Snakes. This is awesome. 

Mohammad Saleem "The snake Catcher" Commonly known as "Saleem Saap wale" (सलीम साँप वाले) in Bhopal. He is catching these snakes since last 20 years. Caught more than 30,000 snakes of different types (cobra ,Russell wiper, python, red snake),,He tries to eradicate superstitions and myths associated with snakes. He catches snakes from residential areas and also treats person who has been bitten by snakes with whatever knowledge he has. After catching them leaves snakes in the jungles of Budhni, Matkuli (M.P.) every week end. 

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